It's a book about faith. It's the story of a mother who believed anything was possible and never stopped looking for answers. There's still many questions out there that need answering but I want moms out there to have a little bit of comfort knowing I will be searching for these answers so we could someday watch out children lead the lives we dreamed they would have....."
Just finished reading this inspiring book. I love the open, candid way she wrote her experiences and feelings. I admire the things she did for her son, Evan. She's a real go-getter and will never let anything get in the way of improving her son's condition. There're very useful tips in the book too but what I love most about it is that it just inspires me to do more for Rayyan and never to lose hope. Thanks Jenny!
An extract from the book..
I started to feel a shift in me. I was accepting what was and not hating the world for what should have been. I came to my own conclusion - that acceptance does not mean giving up. Nothing was going to stop me from pulling Evan out of this window. I just simply loved him and was proud of who he was no matter what. I found myself loving his flapping, his tiptoe walking, his love of fans, door hinges, and escalators. I thought, "So what, if he grows out of it someday, great; if not, he comes here after the prom with his girlfriend and they ride escalators till the sun comes up. Evan is perfect."