Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Not such a good day :(

Rayyan has been wanting to watch the Iron Man movie since it was featured months ago.  He kept immitating the Iron Man pose and will talk about Iron Man incessantly.

So we are super, super glad that Iron Man movie is finally here!  Rayyan was very excited too and told us that he wants to watch the movie at Downtown East.

Before I go on with my story, let me just explain a bit more about this request in venue.  We used to bring Rayyan to Kallang Leisure Park.  We love it there because it's not crowded and we were not so stressed when Rayyan became restless and noisy in the cinema.

However, the last time we were there, I realised that Rayyan held on to my hand for a very long time and kept jumping at the very loud sound effects (I then realised that the sound effects there was really loud compared to others).  It affected him so much that the next time we wanted to watch a movie there, he refused to go to the cinema and kept shouting that we leave the place.

But we knew that he really wanted to watch the show (we wanted to watch The Croods that time) so we tried to bring him to a different cinema.  We went to Downtown East to watch The Croods.  He followed us in willingly, no tantrums and all of us enjoyed the show.

For the Iron Man movie, I tried booking tickets at Downtown East but most of the tickets were snapped up so Hubby and I decided to get tickets at Golden Village Tampines Mall instead.  Rayyan was having his Brain Gym class then so he wasn't with us when we bought the tickets.

After fetching him from his Brain Gym class, we told him that we were going to watch the movie at Tampines Mall but he refused and kept crying.  We tried explaining to him, we tried enticing him with his favourite popcorn, we coaxed him but nothing worked.  His tears kept streaming and streaming and it just broke my heart to see him like that.  Clearly, that was not a boy out to purposely act difficult or defy us.  There was clearly something that was bothering him and he just didn't know how to tell us.

I then told Hubby to just forget about the movie.  We were frustrated at first because it meant that $30+ would go down the drain.  But seriously, I would rather waste the money then to force my son to do something that he didn't want to.

So the lesson we learnt is to make sure that he is ready to do something or go somewhere before going on to make bookings or arrange anything.  We must always, always prepare him for any upcoming activities.  Sometimes we just forget that he has autism and he needs certain structures.  We forget that he has sensory issues and things that are insignificant to us affect him greatly. That was indeed a valuable lesson learnt...

So that was our Saturday....  Hope yours was much better...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baby Sister

To get Rayyan to be more aware of the arrival of his baby sister and to get him involved in our preparations for his baby sister, we got Rayyan to help in whatever way he can.

Last Sunday, we were doing up the wall and we got Rayyan to help us with the painting. Hopefully he will be more ready to take on his role as the Abang or Big Brother! More importantly, we hope he doesn't feel left out or unloved!!

Hubby assisting Rayyan with the wall design..

So full of concentration! ;)

I really love this! 
Thank you Hubby and Rayyan!! Muacks!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Spelling Test!

We are extremely, extremely proud of Rayyan today. He scored full marks for his spelling test!!!  

This coming from a boy who simply hates writing!! Few months ago, his handwriting was unintelligible and asking him to write was like asking him to go to the torture chamber!!! But Alhamdulillah (all praises to Allah!), with the help of teachers from Pathlight who placed great emphasis on penmanship, he has shown improvement.  Not only has he shown improvement in writing, he managed to spell all six words correctly!!  Yahooo!!!

So parents, don't give up.  With prayers, effort and patience, our kids will indeed show improvement. Insya Allah :)

PS:  I think I have not blogged about Pathlight but yes, he has been accepted to Pathlight!  One of our prayers was answered!  Thank you, Allah!  Will blog about his acceptance to Pathlight soon but in the meantime, I am simply a happy and proud mummy today! :))

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Looooooong Absence

When I logged into this blog of mine, I realised that it has been SIX months since I updated this blog.. SIX long months!  That is like half a year!!  The longest time that I go 'missing'!  I must admit that I miss blogging, I miss writing about Rayyan's progress.. Gosh, six long months and so much has happened!  Now I feel guilty coz the many things that have happened have not been recorded and I might just forget the important milestones.

And if you are curious, the very reason why I go missing for so long is the fact that I am now preggy with my second one!  Yes, I am in my third trimester now and we are all excited for the little one to make her presence into our world, including Rayyan (I hope!).  And yes, it's a 'her'!!  How much more exciting can that be?!

Anyway, this pregnancy is not as easy as Rayyan's during the first trimester.  I suffered vomitting bouts and just wanted to sleep and do nothing else!  I was so glad my first trimester was during the school holidays so it didn't really affect my work.  And as my tummy grows, we talk to Rayyan about it.  I told him that there's a baby in my tummy and during the early stage, everytime I asked him if he wanted a baby sister or baby brother, he replied 'baby brother' every single time!  So much so that I myself believed that I must be carrying a baby boy!

But when we found out that it's a girl, we told him about his baby sister and he will always come kiss my tummy whenever I ask him to kiss baby sister.  He knows that there is a baby sister in my tummy but I don't think he realises that the baby sister will be coming out soon!  I really, really hope that he will be loving towards his baby sister and accept her into our lives willingly and happily.  Every single day, I pray that both of them will have a loving and caring relationship, that both of them will look out for one another...

It took Hubby and I six long years before deciding to have a baby again.  We talked at length about having another baby, we raised our concerns and fears, we contemplated for so long before telling each other, "Let's do it!".  If we do not have a son with autism, this decision wouldn't be so hard to make, in fact, it will only be natural to have another baby.  Please don't get us wrong, we love Rayyan with all our hearts and we accept his condition.  But can we handle another child with autism?  Can we handle the heartaches, the worries?  Now that we have a child with autism, we know what to look out for, we know the interventions and therapies that we have to go for.  But can we cope financially?  Interventions and therapies cost a lot of money and already as it is, we are surviving on one income.  Can we really cope with two children with autism?

We have endless concerns and worries but at the end of the day, we told ourselves... we just have to leave everything to God.  There is nothing else that we can do.  If God wants to bless us with another child with autism, then we just have to be strong and brace ourselves.  We have to do our utmost to help the child and we will love the child no less...  We leave everything in your hands God...  And God, thank you for this miracle, my baby girl... And yes, thank you also for my other miracle, my baby boy, Rayyan :)