I had this strong urge to record Rayyan's progress and areas for improvements (AFIs) yesterday. Searched my shelves for an empty book and I found this book where I actually recorded Rayyan's progress when he was younger. I had totally forgotten about the book and was angry with myself for not following-up with it! It would have been so great to have consistent records of his progress!
Anyway, the first time I made a record was when he was 24months. That was around the time when I first found out that my boy is not like any other typical toddlers.
At 2 years old (24 months)
*doesn't respond when his name is called but responds immediately when we sing
*responds to songs by doing actions (eg wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, ring around the rosies, once I saw a little bird, etc)
*difficult to maintain eye contact
*do not point at things of interest (if he wants something, he will take our hand and pulls us toward the object, if he wants to be scratched, he will take our hand and put it at the itchy area, if he wants us to open a container, he will bring the container to us and tap the container)
*loves to jump and flap arms (will usually flap when he is not able to jump, for eg, when he is seated)
*doesn't like loud noises like performances or animal shows or drilling sounds
*very attached to ears (especially his Daddy's ears, will touch when he plays with Daddy or when he's going to sleep)
*able to wave bye-bye but usually doesn't make eye contact
*likes to put things in mouth (eg toys, remote control, hands, etc)
*has started to make sounds (sounds like some sort of foreign language)
*understands certain instructions (eg lie down, take your shoes, don't climb, pass the bottle)
*likes numbers and alphabets
*likes to flip books (fast but focused)
*doesn't really like to play with toys (will fiddle with them for less than a minute, then throw them aside)
*given a phone, will place phone at his ear
*likes to play hide and seek (will look for us when we hide behind furniture or under blanket)
*knows how to play drums, shake maracas, shape sorters, throw ball through hoop
*likes to walk on tip toes
*likes to look at reflection in the mirror/glass (will do different actions)
*sometimes smiles or laughs at nothing and stares into space
*when he is scolded or instructed to stop doing something (eg putting things inside his mouth, he will throw the thing aside and 'throw' himself on the floor and whine or cry)
*doesn't like to stack blocks but will unstack blocks (pulls blocks down) that other people build
*doesn't shake or nod his head to indicate yes and no
*doesn't seem to understand what is being taught (eg shapes, parts of body, etc)
*doesn't understand feelings
*doesn't interact with children or other people (plays on his own)
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Brain Gym
It has been a few months since Rayyan attended Brain Gym. He goes there about 3 Saturdays per month and there's also a monthly one hour one-to-one session.
There are about 15 children per session and these children are taught to do various movements which are believed to be good for the brain. The children are also sometimes brought to the park, beach or a nature reserve to do some hiking or they are taught to climb, swing, balance on a log and many other movements. These movements, coupled with opportunities to interact and play with other children, will help the brain to grow.
The improvements that Rayyan made after attending Brain Gym are that his movements are more co-ordinated especially in terms of climbing and balancing. The trainers also informed us that he can follow instructions very well now :)
We are very, very thankful for all these improvements though I do note that he still doesn't interact and play with the other children. He is also still very hyper, jumping or running around the place.
I do hope that Rayyan will show more improvements, especially in terms of interaction and focus. Amin. If you are interested to find out more, you can go to this website..
Brain Gym
Here are photos of Rayyan's little escapades ;)
Btw, I wasn't the one who took the photos. The trainers will actually take photos and videos and send them to us..
There are about 15 children per session and these children are taught to do various movements which are believed to be good for the brain. The children are also sometimes brought to the park, beach or a nature reserve to do some hiking or they are taught to climb, swing, balance on a log and many other movements. These movements, coupled with opportunities to interact and play with other children, will help the brain to grow.
The improvements that Rayyan made after attending Brain Gym are that his movements are more co-ordinated especially in terms of climbing and balancing. The trainers also informed us that he can follow instructions very well now :)
We are very, very thankful for all these improvements though I do note that he still doesn't interact and play with the other children. He is also still very hyper, jumping or running around the place.
I do hope that Rayyan will show more improvements, especially in terms of interaction and focus. Amin. If you are interested to find out more, you can go to this website..
Brain Gym
Here are photos of Rayyan's little escapades ;)
Btw, I wasn't the one who took the photos. The trainers will actually take photos and videos and send them to us..
Look who's leading the way ;)
Climbing and climbing...
It's all about balance :)

More climbing :D
Jumping Room
We call Rayyan's 'therapy' room Jumping Room. Here, we have a crash bag, gym ball, trampoline, large tube and harness and therapy hammock. Some parents have been asking me where I got the items from.
Here's the link (I have also included this website in my main 'links' list :
BackCare Resources Pte Ltd
This company is owned by a very kind man, Mr Richard Wong, who is very helpful and accommodating. Do give him a call if you need to enquire anything.
Here's the full address and phone number :
BackCare Resources Pte Ltd
18 Kaki Bukit Rd 3
Entrepreneur Business Centre
Singapore 415978
Tel : 67496509
And some of you enquired about the cost too. Well, here's what I paid for the items.
Therapy hammock $95
Cushion for the hammock $30
Tube and harness $110
Large crash bag $120
Strings and plates (the hooks which had to be drilled) $47
Please note that I bought these items almost 2 years ago so the prices might differ. Also, I bought the trampoline and gym ball separately from a fitness store.
Here are some pictures of Rayyan's Jumping Room. He loves it too much that we have to restrict the time he spends there!!
Here's the link (I have also included this website in my main 'links' list :
BackCare Resources Pte Ltd
This company is owned by a very kind man, Mr Richard Wong, who is very helpful and accommodating. Do give him a call if you need to enquire anything.
Here's the full address and phone number :
BackCare Resources Pte Ltd
18 Kaki Bukit Rd 3
Entrepreneur Business Centre
Singapore 415978
Tel : 67496509
And some of you enquired about the cost too. Well, here's what I paid for the items.
Therapy hammock $95
Cushion for the hammock $30
Tube and harness $110
Large crash bag $120
Strings and plates (the hooks which had to be drilled) $47
Please note that I bought these items almost 2 years ago so the prices might differ. Also, I bought the trampoline and gym ball separately from a fitness store.
Here are some pictures of Rayyan's Jumping Room. He loves it too much that we have to restrict the time he spends there!!
The tube, crash bag, trampoline and gym ball
Swinging good time!
I used to worry endlessly that he will fall or knock against the wall but he's so good at it that I don't worry anymore now..
He loves his tube!!!
Rayyan and Irfan having fun in the hammock :)
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Irfan Syazuan
We know how important it is for Rayyan to be around kids his age, for him to have playmates. That will surely help in improving his social and interaction skills. I wish he has a sibling, one who can play with him and talk to him, someone who can just be a role model and influence him positively.
Since we can't magically produce a sibling for him.. Hehe..we decided to let him interact more with his cousin. This nephew of mine is two years older than Rayyan and is currently in Primary 2. Initially, Irfan was always jealous of Rayyan. He didn't like it when Rayyan got more attention or when Rayyan had a new toy.
We then decided that if we wanted to get his help, we must win his heart. We explained to him that Rayyan is different and that Rayyan needs his help. We answered truthfully when he asked us why Rayyan behaved in a certain manner.
And over time, Irfan has matured considerably. Although I know that he sometimes wish that Rayyan is more like his other friends or relatives, he carries out his role as 'older brother' very well. He tries his best to communicate with Rayyan and help Rayyan. When we go out, he will hold Rayyan's hand and get him back if he goes astray. And Rayyan is responding to him, not all the time, but he does enjoy having Irfan for company :)
So to my dearest nephew, thank you very, very much for being so patient and helpful. Thank you for trying your best to understand and help Rayyan. You will grow up to be a fine young man, Insya Allah :)
Since we can't magically produce a sibling for him.. Hehe..we decided to let him interact more with his cousin. This nephew of mine is two years older than Rayyan and is currently in Primary 2. Initially, Irfan was always jealous of Rayyan. He didn't like it when Rayyan got more attention or when Rayyan had a new toy.
We then decided that if we wanted to get his help, we must win his heart. We explained to him that Rayyan is different and that Rayyan needs his help. We answered truthfully when he asked us why Rayyan behaved in a certain manner.
And over time, Irfan has matured considerably. Although I know that he sometimes wish that Rayyan is more like his other friends or relatives, he carries out his role as 'older brother' very well. He tries his best to communicate with Rayyan and help Rayyan. When we go out, he will hold Rayyan's hand and get him back if he goes astray. And Rayyan is responding to him, not all the time, but he does enjoy having Irfan for company :)
So to my dearest nephew, thank you very, very much for being so patient and helpful. Thank you for trying your best to understand and help Rayyan. You will grow up to be a fine young man, Insya Allah :)
The wacky Irfan :P
Racing along the beach :)
Sharing the iPad in the car ;)
At the zoo
Splashing good time!!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Rayyan is getting better and better at dressing up on his own. He can now put on his own underwear and pants. Still needs a bit of help with t-shirt though. He can also wear his socks on his own though he will whine if the socks get stuck midway.
And here's Rayyan buttoning his school shirt. Love the fact that he's so focused! Way to go, my boy!! :))
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Spidey Watch
We got for Rayyan his very first watch last week. Prior to this, we actually let him try his cousin's watch and we were very happy to note that he didn't mind wearing the watch :)
So when I spotted this Spiderman watch at Bugis last week, I decided to get it for him. This watch is pretty cool. There are 10 different covers to choose from! The only thing that I don't like about it is that the digital panel is too small and Rayyan sometimes has difficulty looking at the time.
Anyway, since it is a digital watch, it is easy for Rayyan to tell the time. I also try my best to teach him the concept of time. For example, I will ask him what time is it and then inform him that he can do certain activities at a certain time.
Hopefully he is able to grasp the concept of time soon enough. And oh yes, he can wear the watch without much fuss too :))
So when I spotted this Spiderman watch at Bugis last week, I decided to get it for him. This watch is pretty cool. There are 10 different covers to choose from! The only thing that I don't like about it is that the digital panel is too small and Rayyan sometimes has difficulty looking at the time.
Anyway, since it is a digital watch, it is easy for Rayyan to tell the time. I also try my best to teach him the concept of time. For example, I will ask him what time is it and then inform him that he can do certain activities at a certain time.
Hopefully he is able to grasp the concept of time soon enough. And oh yes, he can wear the watch without much fuss too :))
What time is it???? Spidey time! Hehe
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Trash Pack
Rayyan is currently crazy about these tiny collectibles that come in garbage cans called Trash Packs. He will study each character carefully and will look at the poster to find out the names of the different characters. There are a total of 100 characters in Season One alone. Yes, they are so popular that the producers decided to come up with Season 2!!!
Anyway, Rayyan has about 20 in his collection and they're not cheap ok! Every 5 tiny characters cost $12.90!! But I guess I don't mind buying them for him because he treasures his Trash Packs and will bring them wherever he goes!
Anyway, today we did some work and as a reward, I gave him a new TP character. He looked at it once and gave me the name of the character. I was pretty stunned at first. I mean, there are 100 characters. How can he remember the name??
I decided to check the poster and true enough, the name he gave was correct. I then decided to test his knowledge on the other characters. I covered the names and asked him to give me the names of the other characters.
You know what, he has memorized ALL 100 characters!! The thing is, I didn't even go through the characters with him. He read them all on his own! I was amazed!!! Indeed, even though he is weak and need to work on many areas, God gives him strength in other areas. Thank you so, so much, God!
Now, how can I make full use of this strength??? I really want to stretch him further and see how I can maximize this potential...
Anyway, Rayyan has about 20 in his collection and they're not cheap ok! Every 5 tiny characters cost $12.90!! But I guess I don't mind buying them for him because he treasures his Trash Packs and will bring them wherever he goes!
Anyway, today we did some work and as a reward, I gave him a new TP character. He looked at it once and gave me the name of the character. I was pretty stunned at first. I mean, there are 100 characters. How can he remember the name??
I decided to check the poster and true enough, the name he gave was correct. I then decided to test his knowledge on the other characters. I covered the names and asked him to give me the names of the other characters.
You know what, he has memorized ALL 100 characters!! The thing is, I didn't even go through the characters with him. He read them all on his own! I was amazed!!! Indeed, even though he is weak and need to work on many areas, God gives him strength in other areas. Thank you so, so much, God!
Now, how can I make full use of this strength??? I really want to stretch him further and see how I can maximize this potential...
Henderson Waves
We decided to check out Henderson Waves last weekend. I really do prefer to go for outdoor activities compared to shopping centres as Rayyan will get too excited and spend hours at the toy store!
Anyway, the place is nice, the view especially. Rayyan seemed very happy too especially when he spotted a sign warning us that monkeys are spotted around the area! He was definitely hoping to see the monkeys!
We enjoyed ourselves.. the view was gorgeous, we managed to see the sunset and we even had a small picnic. On the way back, while we were walking and enjoying the view, Rayyan came up to me and said, "Mummy, I want you to carry me because I want to see jungle!"
There was this small forest under the bridge and I think he was hoping to find the elusive monkeys there!
But you know what is so special about that request? It was his longest sentence ever! Usually when he makes a request for us to carry him, we would ask him why. This time round, he combined both sentences together without prompting. I was really, really happy. Thank you, God :))
Anyway, the place is nice, the view especially. Rayyan seemed very happy too especially when he spotted a sign warning us that monkeys are spotted around the area! He was definitely hoping to see the monkeys!
We enjoyed ourselves.. the view was gorgeous, we managed to see the sunset and we even had a small picnic. On the way back, while we were walking and enjoying the view, Rayyan came up to me and said, "Mummy, I want you to carry me because I want to see jungle!"
There was this small forest under the bridge and I think he was hoping to find the elusive monkeys there!
But you know what is so special about that request? It was his longest sentence ever! Usually when he makes a request for us to carry him, we would ask him why. This time round, he combined both sentences together without prompting. I was really, really happy. Thank you, God :))
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