Two weeks ago, we decided to drive up to KL to celebrate our anniversary. Me and Hubby, we have been together 18 loooong years!
Anyway, even though it was our anniversary, the trip was more for Rayyan than for us.. hehe.. Oh well, it doesn't matter, if he is happy, we are happy!! It was an unforgettable trip for us because it was our maiden drive up all on our own, usually we are accompanied by friends or family members.
So, armed with GPS, snacks, books, CDs and toys for Rayyan, we made our way...
One thing I am thankful of is the fact that Rayyan can survive long journeys in the car, provided of coz that he has his books and that we play his favourite CDs... so thank God for portable CD/DVD player!
Another thing, this is our first long journey without him wearing his diapers so that was another concern but luckily, it all went well... Phew!! On the way to KL, he didn't request to go to the toilet at all and on the way back, he relieved himself during our stop :))
We stayed at Maya Hotel and Rayyan simply loved the hotel room!! Why? Because the room is huge and he has loads of space to run!! I was so afraid that the guest below would complain!!
He is always the first to try the bed! :D
See what I mean about running around the room????
Anyway, we love the room too coz we had a gorgeous view of the Twin Towers :)

Walking around KL at night... I would definitely blow this picture up if he had looked at the camera. Very difficult to make him look at the camera. Any tips??
Don't you just love buffet breakfast in Malaysia? We do! But dear Rayyan wanted to only eat Koko Krunch!! So much food and he still asked for Koko Krunch!
Another reason why he loved the room was because of this intriguing art piece.
Kept playing with the strings...
We managed to visit the Aquaria while we were there. The place is something like Underwater World but better because it's bigger and there are many more exhibits. Plus, the place is pretty new :)
There were piranhas!! Rayyan wasn't too interested though coz he doesn't know much about them.
But he loves the otter!! One of his fav animals :)
This place is like an air-conditioned mini zoo!!
Very much similar to Underwater World indeed..
Rayyan loves to see stingrays and sharks but after a few minutes here, he seemed to be tired and sleepy!! Hubby said that maybe the water has a calming effect on him. I think that maybe Hubby is right... Now I'm thinking of putting up an aquarium in the room. Maybe that will help him sleep :)
My little explorer..... One of my fav pics :))
Donuts!! Rayyan loves donuts!! 2 for each of us and he finished his share first!! Which of the donuts are his???? The plain and chocolate! Nothing fanciful like the nuts or the tiny pieces of Oreo for him! I think he finds them too messy! lol
We bought a couple of toys for him while we were there. Rayyan is not the sort who asks for toys. When we go to Toys R Us, he would get excited and look at many different toys but whenever we ask him if he wants any toy, he would always say NO! Aren't we the luckiest parents??!!
But seriously, we don't see that as something positive. Rayyan has limited play skills, he wouldn't play with any toy for long. He just loves to look at toys and touch them a bit and off he goes!
So we are always trying to build on his play skills. Whenever we see him showing an extra interest in a certain toy, we buy the toy for him. Then we will encourage him to play with us. Never mind if most times, we end up playing the toy ourselves! Patience! Never give up! :)
Anyway, we noticed that Rayyan has begun to show interest in Legos so we decided to buy the small, cute figurines for him. We talk to him about the figurines that we bought for him.
And we noticed too that he loves to see the spinning Ninja Gos on TV so we bought for him two different Ninja Gos. Here, he couldn't wait for Daddy to open the package! hehe
Fixing the Ninja Gos! So full of concentration! :))))
All set!!! Time to have a spinning good time!!
Overall, the 3 of us had a blast!!! In fact, we had so much fun that we are planning another trip to KL in Dec ;) Maybe this time round, we should get a much smaller room because our dear boy loved the room so much that he didn't want to leave. Cried all the way down when we wanted to check out of the hotel!!