Thursday, December 9, 2010

Visual Support (First-Then)

I have done quite a number of visual supports for Rayyan recently. One of them is 'first-then' which I use to motivate him to do difficult tasks, like going for a haircut or cooperating during speech therapy.

What I will do is first, I will show him the card before he goes through the activity and explain about 'first-then' and once he has gone through the activity, I will give him the 'finished' card for him to stick so that he is aware that he has gone through it. Then I will show the 'then' card and bring him to a place he likes or desired item.

He is getting the hang of it. The last time I used this was when he went for his speech therapy session and I felt that he was calmer (compared to the previous session where he kept crying). Will review from time to time and evaluate its effectiveness :)