Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Staying Optimistic

It has been a super hectic 2010 so far!!! I am so exhausted and will knock out latest by 10 every night!! And I am usually awake by 4 or 5 every morning!! And it is not only physically draining but emotionally exhausting too. Mum was hospitalised the whole of last week. Cried almost every night thinking of her... I really hope she will pull through... I hope God will give her the determination, courage and strength to face the challenges ahead of her...

And with all the commotion, not to mention the mounting work in school and the endless meetings, Rayyan was pretty much 'abandoned'. I feel so guilty but there's nothing much I can do. And due to the constraints that we are facing, we have to stop his ABA therapy sessions for now. I am stuck at work and there's nobody to accompany him for his therapy sessions at home.

We are trying to iron things out. Hopefully things will be settled soon. Meanwhile, I am trying very hard to stay optimistic and strong...