Sunday, June 19, 2011


Rayyan can feed himself, it is a skill that he has acquired quite some time back.  He does have difficulty with noodles at times though coz well, noodles can be quite tricky to eat ;)  But I must say that he has shown improvement with noodles too.  Here's a video of him eating one of his favourite food, mee goreng!

Generally, Rayyan likes spicy stuffs and he prefers noodles to rice.  Spaghetti or macaroni is still his all-time favourite.  And oh yes, he doesn't like us to feed him nowadays... not because he wants to be more independent but because of the fact that when we feed him, we force all the vegetables into him!  When he eats on his own, the vegetables are all pushed to one side and he gets to eat just what he likes!!!  Tsk tsk tsk

A very smart move indeed.. lol