I made another simple book for Rayyan, this time about our holiday in Kuala Lumpur. He loves to read the book and I'm glad he can understand a bit more about holidays now.
Our conversation two days ago..
Me : Rayyan, you want to go to KL?
Rayyan : Yes!
Me : What do you want to eat when you are in KL?
Rayyan : Koko Krunch!
Hahaha... Never mind if he actually eats Koko Krunch almost everyday at home. I'm just happy that he more or less remembers and understands what I wrote in the book :)
And well, if you notice, even though the event has passed, I still use present tense in this book because Rayyan doesn't understand the concept of past tense yet. If for example, I change the word 'go' to 'went', I don't think Rayyan will understand. So present tense it will be for now.
And oh yes, Rayyan loves it when we reach the last part... The End! ;)